Professional Learning

  • Our professional development is rooted in Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21's mission of helping children learn. To do that, we must first serve those who serve learners in Carbon and Lehigh counties, including all educators and support staff in regional schools. Staff in Curriculum & Instruction/Educational Technologies and Training and Consulting departments work together to cover a wide variety of topics in regular and special education. We strive to bring you relevant, in-depth and advanced strategies to bring to your work as an educator or school support staff.

    Unless otherwise noted, please use one of the following methods to register for CLIU 21 Professional Learning:

    CPE Tracker Members

    Non-CPE Tracker Members

Summer Learning 2024

  • PL Ready

Upcoming C&I PD Events

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Professional Learning Flyers


  • Certification Programs
  • CPE Courses
  • Content Area Networking
  • CLIU Ready PD
  • C&I/Ed. Tech YouTube
  • Professional Learning Repository

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