BrainSTEPS Program

  • Each year, over 3,000 of Pennsylvania's children survive severe traumatic brain injuries significant enough to require hospitalization. Many are left with life-altering difficulties in physical, cognitive, or behavioral functioning

    The Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania, under contract from the PA Department of Health and partnered with the PA Department of Education, has created the Child & Adolescent Brain Injury School Re-entry Program called Brain STEPS (Strategies Teaching Educators, Parents, and Students). Brain STEPS is working to make sure that those who must provide educational support to children with TBI have a good understanding of brain injury, the resulting challenges, and supports and interventions that will help these students achieve educational success through graduation.

    Education professionals, medical rehabilitation professionals, and family members comprise the Brain STEPS Teams. Team members receive ongoing training from local and nationally recognized leaders in the field of pediatric brain injury. Brain STEPS team members will be available to provide "Brain STEPS 101" presentations, helping schools compensate for the lack of brain injury training in college teacher training programs. Team members can provide training and consultation regarding identification, implementation, long-term monitoring of students and other issues professionals face in supporting students with brain injury.

    Ongoing training and support will be provided to the teams by the Brain STEPS Program Coordinator. Consultation is available to teams through the Brain STEPS Program, on a case by case basis by medical rehabilitation professionals.

    In 2007, the BrainSTEPS Brain Injury School Consulting Program was established in Pennsylvania (PA) by the PA Department of Health and is jointly funded by the PA Department of Health and Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education via the PaTTAN network. BrainSTEPS is implemented by the educational Intermediate Units across the Commonwealth and is overseen by the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania.

Contact Us!

  • Team Leader
     Danielle Argot
    610-769-4111 ext 1272

    CLIU BrainSTEPS Team
    610-769-4111 ext 1272

    Department of Health
    Brain Injury Helpline 


  • BrainSTEPS Brochure